The Student Program

You. Innovation. Entrepreneurship.

We offer you everything you need in order to follow your heart and your passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. Work in interdisciplinary teams, get in touch with expert coaches and mentors, develop your own original and validated business model for your start-up and become a part of our Franconian and international innovation ecosystem, start-up network and community.

The student program of the Entrepreneurial Innovation Hub is our joint excellence program across all faculties and universities of Nuremberg, Ansbach and Erlangen. It is open to outstanding innovative talents from all degrees and PhD programs of the seven participating universities:

  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
  • Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm (THN)
  • Hochschule Ansbach (HSA)
  • Technische Universität Nürnberg (UTN)
  • Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg (EvHN)
  • Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg (HfM)
  • Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg (AdBK)

What are the benefits of the Program?

Over the course of two semesters, you will:

  • Analyze current megatrends and explore opportunities.
  • Collaborate in interdisciplinary teams to tackle entrepreneurial challenges.
  • Develop and evaluate start-up ideas with fellow participants.
  • Learn advanced software-based innovation methodologies.
  • Expand your professional & personal network globally.
  • Join our local innovation ecosystem and support future alumni.
  • Collaborate with mentors and the experienced THN, HSA, and FAU coaches.
  • Earn an official certificate and digital badge when finishing the program.

Above all, you can go the extra mile in your innovative and entrepreneurial life, such as:

Choose Electives: Throughout the program you can choose from a wide range of lectures and events across the participating universities and our innovation ecosystem.

Go International: At the end of the program, check out the opportunities to go abroad.

Start-up Track: If your team has successfully completed the Hub program, you can apply for the Start-up Track to take your business idea to the next level. The Start-up Track is a program for early stage start-ups which will begin in September 2025.

More information on the three program elements will be provided soon.

At the end of the 12-month program, you will have:

An overview of the current megatrends and how to discover business opportunities

The skillset to go through the entire innovation management process and how to design businesses

A validated market potential

A good innovative network

A validated business model and financial plan

A defined/work in progress prototype

A hardened pitch deck

A good understanding of what comes next for your project, your team and yourself

Program Spotlight
Who can participate?

Eligible to apply are undergraduate (Bachelor), graduate (Master) and postgraduate (PhD) students as well as research assistants from one of the following seven universities: AdBK, EvHN, FAU, HfM, HSA, THN and UTN.

You do not need to have a start-up idea in mind. On the contrary: we are looking for open-minded entrepreneurs who want to explore new opportunities!

You must be enrolled or employed at one of the universities mentioned above until the end of summer semester 2025 (at least until 31st of July 2025). It is not possible for you to participate in the program if you are planning a semester abroad or a semester off, or if you are otherwise not available.

You should be able to attend all our workshops and spend time working with your team between the workshops throughout the whole program.

You should have the motivation to stay involved in the program and in subsequent batches and become an active part of the Hub community.

The program is extracurricular, there are no ECTS credits awarded. The language will be English, although a basic understanding of German is required.

Take your time, check yourself on these points, check the schedule below and be mercilessly honest to yourself. And if everything inside you screams yes, then apply!

How is it taught and implemented?

The program is very hands-on, the focus is on working in teams on specific start-up ideas, especially between workshops. Please find the detailed workshop plan below.

The entire program is divided into three core qualification modules. The modules are offered according to the strengths of the three program leading universities: First, the Trend & Technology Scouting, offered by HSA; Second, the Product (Development) & Business Design, offered by FAU; and Third, the Business Strategy, offered by THN.

During the program, a modern learning platform is available on which you have access to expert knowledge, helpful frameworks and additional tools for reflection and collaboration.

Each team has a dedicated start-up coach who will offer feedback and support whenever needed. In addition, each team will be provided with a prototyping budget for validating the business ideas.

We work with the latest methods and scientific findings of innovation management, business design, impact and sustainability, financing and business strategies for early-stage start-ups. We always consider which methods, concepts, software packages and artificial intelligence can be used effectively today and where they can be questionable or misleading.

You will have the opportunity to help shape the program. A student steering committee will be available to ensure that your core interests are anticipated, that the fun factor is reflected, and that you and your efforts are duly celebrated.

What is the application process?

All applicants will apply via the application form, which can be accessed here on the page under the “Application” button.

The application process consists of three phases:

  • Phase 1: Simply apply via the application form by June 2, 2024.
  • Phase 2: Afterwards we will contact you via e-mail and ask you to submit documents, certificates and probably a short work sample. Then a first preselection will be made.
  • Phase 3: After the preselection, we conduct interviews and decide who will be admitted to the program. We will accept 25 Fellows for the first Batch.

You can apply for the program until 2nd of June 2024 by clicking on the “Application” button.
The evaluation and interview period will last until 21st of July 2024. Make sure you can be contacted via e-mail during this time.
We will announce the results from 22nd of July 2024 until 2nd of August 2024.

Individual onboarding of our first batch will start in August 2024.

The joint program with all confirmed participants will kick-off on 18th of October 2024 and will last until 31st of July 2025.

Please find below a complete overview of all planned modules, workshops and venues:

Module 1 – Trend & Technology Scouting

Program kick-off and trend exploration to find your spot of interest.

Name of the eventDateVenueTime
Kick-off Weekend*)Fr, 18.10.2024 – Sun, 20.10.2024HSA Campus Rothenburg9 am to 7 pm
Deep Dive WorkshopFr, 8.11.2024ANsWerk Ansbach**)9 am to 5 pm
Search Field WorkshopFr, 15.11.2024ANsWerk Ansbach**)9 am to 5 pm

*) Kick-off weekend 18.10.2024 – 20.10.2024: Accommodation has already been booked at the Rothenburg ob der Tauber Youth Hostel. Accommodation and meals are covered by the program.
The workshops take place at the Hochschule Ansbach Campus Rothenburg which is located here:

Module 2 – Product (Development) & Business Design

Start with your team and idea and start validating the business potential of your idea.

Name of the eventDateVenue*)Time
Ideation WorkshopFr, 22.11.2024d.hip Erlangen9 am to 5 pm
Team Building WorkshopSat, 23.11.2024d.hip Erlangen9 am to 5 pm
Discover WorkshopSun, 24.11.2024d.hip Erlangen9 am to 5 pm
Market and Competitor AnalysisTu, 26.11.2024Zoom6 pm to 8 pm
Discover Support ConsultationTu, 3.12.2024Zoom5 pm to 8 pm
Design Weekend13.12.2024 – 15.12.2024d.hip Erlangen9 am to 5 pm
Picture of the Future WorkshopFr, 13.12.2024d.hip Erlangen 9 am to 20 pm
Business Model WorkshopSat, 14.12.2024d.hip Erlangen 9 am to 21 pm
Hypothesis & Experiments WorkshopSun, 15.12.2024d.hip Erlangen 9 am to 5 pm
Validate WorkshopFr, 17.01.2025d.hip Erlangen 9 am to 5 pm

*) The on-site workshops will take place at the d.hip – Digital Health Innovation Platform, Henkestraße 127, 91052 Erlangen:

Semester Break Activities

During the semester break (~Feb – Apr 2025) you will work with your team on your business idea and check the market potential. No worries, your start-up coaches are constantly availble for support and of course we offer a couple of (optional) events meanwhile.

Name of the eventDateVenueTime
Impact Knowledge SnacktbdZoom2h
Work in Progress PresentationFebruary 2025On-site tbd3h
Visit BayStartUp Start-up Demo NightMarch 2025NurembergEvening event
Validation Support ConsultationTh, 27.03.2025Zoom2h
Community EventtbdOn-site tbd4h
Module 3 – Business Strategy

Focus on your go-to-market strategy and learn how to communicate with your target groups. Reflect on the program and decide on your future.

Name of the eventDate*)Venue*)Time*)
Business Strategy for Start-upsMo, 28.04.2025Nuremberg9 am to 5 pm
Venture Capital FinancingMay 2025NurembergAfternoon
Pitching WorkshopMay 2025NurembergAfternoon
Presentation Test IMay 2025Nuremberg30 min each team
Participation on “IdeenPitch der Region”June 2025tbdEvening event
Participation on “Campus der Löwen”Tu, 24.06.2025HSA Campus AnsbachAfternoon
Presentation Test IIJune 2025Zoom30 min each team
Final Demo DayFr, 27.06.2025Nuremberg9 am to 5 pm
What is Next ConsultationJuly 2025Individual team meetingsopen

*) Locations and times will be announced in December 2024.

FAU – Digital Tech Academy

FAU spin-off services